20.05.2022 in 13:53

Erlan Karin took part in the X Congress of Political Scientists of Kazakhstan

State Secretary Erlan Karin spoke at the X Congress of Political Scientists "New Kazakhstan in the New World", which was held in Almaty. The forum is attended by leading analysts, political scientists, sociologists, historians, representatives of other humanitarian specialties.

In his speech, E. Karin noted that today a thoughtful and comprehensive analysis of all the processes taking place in the country and the world is urgently needed. And for a qualitative analysis of events and phenomena, their comprehensive consideration from all points of view, expert discussion and constructive dialogue are necessary.

The Secretary of State emphasized that discussions about the New Kazakhstan are impossible without taking into account the key trends in the development of world political and economic processes.

Erlan Karin dwelled in detail on the initiatives of the President of the country in terms of political modernization, emphasizing the importance of the ongoing constitutional reform and the upcoming republican referendum.

According to the Secretary of State, the result of the constitutional reform will be the final transition from the super-presidential model to the presidential republic, the redistribution of a number of powers, the strengthening of the role and status of the Parliament, the expansion of the participation of the population in governing the country, and the strengthening of constitutional mechanisms for protecting the rights of citizens.